Let Us Know How We Can Help You
How many chickens do you have?
Oh boy! That's a wonderful question.... We have A LOT! Tina has a chicken addiction and keeps adding more. We have: Welsummers, Prarie Bluebell Egger, Wyandotte's, Partridge Penedesenca's, Black Copper Marans, Americauna's, Crested Cream Legbars, Opal Legbars, Olive Eggers, Buff Orpingtons, Jubilee Orpingtons, Porcelain Orpingtons, Plymouth Barred Rocks, Mottled Bantam Cochins, Old English Game Bantams, Porcelain D'Uccles, Mille Fleur D'Uccles, Ayam Cemani's, Frizzled Easter Eggers, and probably others I'm forgetting. Basically, we have a HUGE variety of chickens and they are all family and we love them very much!
What do you grow?
We grow cold weather vegetables and year-round vegetables. We grow a variety of lettuces, kale, swiss chard, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, peas, carrots, onions, asparagus, strawberries and possibly a few others. These are mainly for our use, but if there's enough interest, then we can add it for next season.
Then we move onto the big crops. Peppers. Oh do we have peppers! Name it, we probably are growing it. That goes for the tomatoes as well. SOOOO many tomatoes! Sauce tomatoes, slicing tomatoes, grape tomatoes and the list goes on.
Is your produce chemical free?
Everything we grow is all natural. We do not use a single chemical on our gardens. We are very concerned with PFAS and any type of cancer causing chemicals so we use an all natural approach to keep pests at a minimum. The vegetables and fruits also taste so much better because of it!